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Drama by Bill Ronat Named Best Florida Short Film

(MELBOURNE) A film written and directed by Bill Ronat of Brandt Ronat + Company was recently chosen by the Space Coast Film Commission as the Best Florida Short Film during the Melbourne Independent Filmmakers Festival. “Have We Met?” can be summed up by the tag line: the professor has one last mystery to solve, but the solution could be the death of him.

A 30-year veteran of production, Ronat has written and directed broadcast commercials, news features and profiles, retail and business-to-business campaigns, marketing presentations and other special projects. Ronat has also been an actor on many local stages. Bringing these skills together to create dramatic films is a logical step.

The film stars two local actors who are known for creating quality work. Terrence Girard is a veteran stage performer who has performed in hundreds of plays in the last two decades. Roy Padrick is active in the Titusville area, where he recently brought the Shakespearian villain Iago to life in a production of Othello. Ronat has worked with Girard on many productions during the last 20 years and also directed Padrick in “Time Served”, which won the Best Florida Short Film award in 2010.

“I actually had both these actors in mind when I wrote the script,” Ronat said. “To watch a finished film turn out the way you saw it in your imagination is a wonderful thing. I couldn’t have asked for better performances. These guys are pros.”

The film will be available for viewing for a limited time on YouTube at

The production team for “Have We Met?” reads like a local “Who’s Who” of video professionals. Bill Williams (A Cut Above Video) and Eric Emerick joined Ronat as producers on the project, with Williams also serving as Director of Photography. Keri Goff (A Cut Above Video) and Jay Decator (Brandt Ronat + Co.) were associate producers and worked on the crew for the production. Bonnie King of the Space Coast Office of Tourism/Film also assisted, by providing location services and logistics.

brandt ronat + company is a marketing solutions firm known for creating brand strategies and high-value message development, sustainable communications and advertising systems for clients in space and technology, health and wellness, the financial services industry, community infrastructure, real estate development and retail. Clients include Brevard Workforce, the Economic Development Commission of Florida's Space Coast, Community Credit Union of Florida, Growth Innovators, Space Coast Health Foundation, Federated Precision, Gatto's Tires & Auto Service, Florida Space Day Committee, Lawler Centre for Cosmetic Surgery, University of Central Florida, Brevard Schools Foundation, Essentials Spa, Space Coast Office of Tourism and Space Foundation (located in Colorado, Florida and Washington, D.C.).

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