The Cultural Marketing Initiative: Working Together. Leveraging Actions. Building on Opportunities. A Joint Initiative of Brevard Cultural Alliance and Florida's Space Coast.


    Applicant must be a 501c3 organization to apply for the Cultural Marketing Initiative.

    Applicant Organization Legal Name

    D.B.A., if event(s) or organization has another name

    Applicant Organization Address

    Applicant Organization Website url

    Applicant Organization Phone Number(s)

    Contact Person #1


    Position/Title/Relationship to Org

    Phone #1

    Phone #2


    Contact Person #2


    Position/Title/Relationship to Org

    Phone #1

    Phone #2


    Contact Person #3 (optional)


    Position/Title/Relationship to Org

    Phone #1

    Phone #2


    Who filled out this application?

    Give phone and email contact info to answer questions, if different than the above contacts.



    The Cultural Marketing Initiative is an adjunct support program with cross-promotion and event-specific marketing for the benefit of residents and visitors.

    Upload Package

    At the bottom of this form you can upload a single .zip file containing documents the documentation requested below.

    1) What are your Offerings?

    • Include and Characterize Specific Event(s) to be considered for promotion or description of year-round or seasonal offerings.

    • Provide Dates or Timeframes for each event or offering described.

    • Include formal title of event or offer, where relevant.

    • 1-2 pages total

    2) Submit up to 1 page on each of the following:

    1. Programmatic Excellence: Demonstrates how programming policy promotes and builds Brevard as a cultural destination – up to 20 points (1 page)

    2. Collaboration: Demonstrates collaboration with other cultural organizations that encourages visits or return visits – up to 20 points (1 page)

    3. Attendee Data: Evidences well managed and utilized data from attendees – up to 20 points

      • Include actual attendance figures for the previous year, October 1, 2012 -September 30, 2013.

      • Insights; Please provide summary insights into demographics or seasonal behaviors, audience attendance patterns or drive market patterns or other data that may assist CMI in supporting you. (1 page)

    4. Economic Impact: Explains how the program clearly supports incremental increases in hotel bed-nights and return visits to the area – up to 20 points (1 page)

    5. Cultural Fabric: Enhances the cultural fabric of the county – up to 20 points (1 page)

    3) Samples of Marketing

    Provide up to (3) samples of collateral materials or marketing efforts

    4) Required Uploads

    Provide a copy of:

    • IRS Determination letter

    • FL Dept. of State, Division of Corporations Detail by Entity Name Report

    • Form 990 and Schedule A or 990EZ (most recent)

